
The Power of Community and Lawn Signs

Lawn signs are everywhere, and you may have one or more on your lawn while reading this post. I've had one in my front yard since April.

Lawn signs have utility. They are advertisements for service-based companies sharing their presence at your home or businesses. Placing a lawn sign on your property is an endorsement to that product, service, cause, or interest. They are frequently used to provide quick information about local events and school car wash fundraisers. Usually, they are printed with one static message that is not always relevant to you and me.

In April, when COVID-19 first appeared and surged throughout the North East, we designed lawn signs like no other. As a matter of fact, no two lawn signs are identical. Yes, creating over 1600 unique print-on-demand signs takes more time! And what makes them unique is each bears the name of their community. A final touch is a consecutive number that shows how far the message travels. Our Healthcare Hero and First Responder Hero signs were born out of years of experience designing high-impact, one-to-one direct marketing campaigns. 

It's mid-September now. After harnessing the "power of community" using yard signs, the hero signs are still visible just about anywhere you look in my community. I'd like to think that they may still be hanging around in other towns too. Our Hero lawn signs are available at

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